Spectra Cell Laboratories
SpectraCell’s patented Micronutrient Nutritional Test a chemically-defined control media contains the minimal amount of each essential micronutrient that is needed to support optimal lymphocyte growth or mitogenic response. The functional intracellular status of micronutrients involved in cell metabolism is evaluated by manipulation of the individual micronutrients in the media followed by mitogenic stimulation and measurement of DNA synthesis.

For Total Antioxidant Function
Immune Response Score
Blood test that measures immune function on white blood cells. Stronger is better. This indicates that your immune cells can appropriately respond to environmental cues
* NOTE: ALL Lab tests require up to 3 weeks time-frame to be processed and results sent back. Our scheduling system accounts for the 3 week time-frame when scheduling the consultation for your test results review.
What is Micronutrient Testing?
Micronutrient testing measures how micronutrients are actually functioning within your patients’ white blood cells. Micronutrient tests measure the function of nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells.
Scientific evidence shows us that analyzing the white blood cells gives us the most accurate analysis of a body’s deficiencies. Correlating micronutrient deficiencies not only slows aging and degenerative disease progression, it can also prevent as well as repair cellular dysfunction, and by extension, disease.
SpectraCell’s Micronutrient tests measure the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells.
How will you manage your health and the aging process?
Your goal of optimizing-your health is to facilitate the prevention and early detection/ diagnosis of deficiency and disease.
SpectraCell’s Micronutrient testing offers the most accurate, scientifically proven method of assessing nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional balance plays a key role in optimal wellness, chronic disease prevention and managing the aging process.
- Do you find yourself feeling stressed, tired and maybe a little depressed?
- Do you take prescription medicines to alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, but wonder why the condition exists at all?
- Do you want to boost your immune system now, to may prevent chronic disease later?
What to Expect From the Testing Process
Upon placing and completing your order begins the following steps
You will be emailed your order receipt, in the receipt will be links to a series of forms that will need to be downloaded, filled out and either emailed to me or sent via mail.
Do I fast for the test?
Fasting is not required
Within 3 weeks of your blood draw, I’ll receive a secure PDF with your results
Sample Test

What results will I see?
SpectraCell’s Micronutrient lab results include an overview page with all deficiencies listed, numeric and graphic reports easily identifying deficiencies and repletion and supplementation recommendations.